Monday, April 5, 2010

My father's teachings to me

I dedicate this blog to my respected father, who has been a true mentor, guide and a friend to me for the last 21 years. My father's mentoring of mine inspired me to write this blog. Whenever I make any mistake he is always there not to scold me but to advise me not to make the same mistakes again and he always emphasizes to learn from the mistakes. He taught me many important lessons, out of those I am going to discuss two most important lessons.

Now, since my father is not an MBA so he didn't teach me anything like 4Ps, 9Ps and 5Ws. He taught me some very important lessons which may sound very simple to you, especially if you are an MBA and you may remind yourself that "oh! I have been repeatedly told of these things since my childhood."

But my friends the paradox of life is that some of the most important lessons of life are very simple like "Always speak the truth." and "Never be late" like the things which we require most are very easily available to us like Oxygen and water and the things which we don't require or are not necessary for our survival are difficult to achieve like a car or an aeroplane, again a paradox isn't it?

So, leaving these paradoxes of life followings are the two most important lessons which my father always teaches me and to some extent I've learnt them.
1.Never be Greedy and Impatient: I have observed one very common thing in me and my generation that we all want to become very rich in a very short span of time, we don't want to undergo the hard work which is required to be rich oh! sorry, to be very rich. We are always told that do not work hard, work smartly. Though there is nothing wrong with this thought but we always inter prate it in a wrong manner(not all of us). And the BPO culture or the past few years when I, and may be you, used to listen to one thing that just get an MBA degree and you will be able to bargain a very handsome salary and if we want to be very rich even sooner than we should work in a call center.

My father says that you and your generation want everything to happen on a click and don't have patience. Like whenever you want to know anything you refer to Google and you assume that life is also like finding answers on Google. Things in life don't happen just on a click, technology is just a tool. The fundamentals of life are same as they were thousands years ago, says he.

Before coming to PROTON I worked as a teacher at my village for two months and earned Rs. 14,000. Then on the advice of a friend I invested Rs, 4000 in a multilevel marketing company in order to double the amount in a year. Recently my friend told me that I have lost the money, the company proved to be fraudulent.

When I told my father that I have also lost the money. He laughed at me for few seconds and said " I already told you, at the time of investing, that all these companies are fraudulent. He didn't get angry and told me to learn a lesson from the mistake and not repeat the same.

Though in other cases I've seen parents scolding their children on such incidents which brings a lot of tension to the youngsters. I believe that if the mistake is not very big(definition varies) a person should be forgiven because I feel such mistakes are common at my age. I thanked my father and promised not to make such mistakes. He taught me not be greedy and to have patience. This mistake didn't cost me much and it will always remind me of my father's teachings.

2. Never to give up: The second thing my father taught me is never to give up. Like Abraham Lincoln, he says that you should work hard and your turn will come. He
always gives me the example of my maternal uncle who did B. Ed. from a university which was declared non registered and then he again did B.Ed from some other institute and worked as a private school teacher for 5 to 6 years and then at the age of 30 he got a govt posting. He always says " Work hard, believe in yourself and never give up. Achieving success may take some time but it will be yours."

I thank my father for being with me and forgiving me on my mistakes, I very much like him as a mentor and I promise that I will not repeat the same mistakes again. I am proud of you "Papa".


  1. Nice blog avinash. its nice to read your learning from your father. I have seen you are very determinant person and you will carry these learning with you always. well.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A person learned from there mistakes if these mistakes never be repeated again & again.
    You have written very nice blog. I read your complete blog with interest because many things like you phase in my life also, I also got same response from my father. you are a good writer so keep on going.
