Hello everyone,
I am a student pursuing MBA. I have read some management theories like that of Maslow's need hierarchy related to motivation, Process of purchase decision in marketing management. Like these two, there are also some other theories. My aim in this blog post is to discuss how simple these theories are. And then I would introduce a new theory which I have recently developed and it is based how team efforts prove important in handling a difficult tasks which is almost impossible for an individual.
1-How simple management theories are!:-
A :- I would first take Maslow's need hierarchy which states that first of all every human being wants to satisfy his/her physiological needs then security, acceptence, esteem and then he reaches at self actualisation. Now let's say a farmer may not be aware of what Maslow's theory is but he is aware of the concept that the primary reason for any one to work is hunger, shelter and clothing and after achieving all these things one thinks of social status, acceptance etc. which is nothing but simply speaking Maslow's theory.
There is a popular saying in Hindi " BHUKHE BHAJAN HOT NAHI GOPALA" which means hunger is given priority over worshiping god.
B :- Process of Purchase Decision:- The second theory which I want to discuss is the process of purchase decisions which is related to marketing and tells us that what are the steps involved while deciding to purchase anything? Now if this question is asked to a housewife who has not read Kotler's book she may answer like
1. First of all she would decide to buy something when she would need something or whenever there will be shortage of anything, which Kotler has termed as PROBLEM RECOGNITION.
2. Then it is obvious that she would ask someone about her requirements( this someone may be any friend or any shopkeeper), which Kotler termed as INFORMATION SEARCH.
3. After having enough information she will probably think which product or offering suits her best, which Kotler says EVALUATING OPTIONS.
4. After thinking which suits her best she would buy the product, which Kotler says PURCHASE DECISION.
5. Then after purchasing the product she may or may not be satisfied with the product in that case she would react in some way, which Kotler termed as POST PURCHASE BEHAVIOR.
for above process Kotler gave a five stage formula and gave each step a fancy name now any one can come with a new theory by adding or rducung one or more steps.
My purpose of writing this all is that there is nothing like rocket science in such theories they are nothing but a reflection of common sense and logicall thinking.
Now when I say so I also mean it and therefore I developed a new theory( not related to above mentioned) which tells the importance of a team. Let's say one person has been given one difficult task. Now he may or may not accomplish it depeding upon his strength. Now there are two things worth considering
1. Strength of the person.
2. Difficulty of the task.
Simply if the strength is more than difficulty the person would complete the task otherwise not.
But if there are two tasks of the same level of difficulty and there are two people who as a team have been given the tasks. In this condotion, according to the theory developed by Avinash Choudhary(me), the tasks would be completed.
AVINASH's THEORY :- If we draw a graph between the number of people involved in a task(strength) and the difficulty level of the task. Then the strength icreases exponentially with a single increase in the number of people and hence surpasses the increase in the difficulty level. This theory, given by Avinash(me), draws inspiration from a great saaying in Hindi" EK OR EK GYARAH HOTE HA" hence the difficulty level of the tasks is equal to that of the two tasks while the strength of the two people as a team is equal to eleven people this implies strength increases exponentially and the task can be comleted easily. hence the theory given by AVINASH is proved.
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